� AED � Provides operating capability for basic users.
� Manual � Provides operating capability for advanced users.
� ECG � Provides ECG display capability with 3-wire ECG cable.
� Setup � Allows user to configure the device.
� Data Transfer � Allows user to transfer patient data.
� Auto Test � Provides daily automatic tests of hardware and software.
Controls: On/Off, Shock, Menu, Two (2) configurable soft keys.
User Defined Options:
� Device ID � Assigns unique identifier to particular device.
� Energy Sequence � User configurable from 150 to 360 joules.
� Flexible Energy � Increases only after a lower energy was unsuccessful.
� Auto Analyze � User can configure device to auto analyze, auto analyze after
first shock, or prompt user to push analyze key before each analysis period.
� CPR Time � (Post shock or after no shock advised) � User configurable �
15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120, 180 seconds.
� Device Date/Time
� Voice Prompt Volume � Allows user to change speaker volume.
� ECG Display � (If option purchased) � Turns display on/off for AED mode.
� Motion Detection � User defined On/Off (default On).
� Service Alert � Audio alarm if the device needs servicing. Configurable on/off.
� Manual Access � (If ECG display option purchased) � Devices configured with an ECG
display may be set up to allow user to initiate a charge and shock without analysis.
� cprMAX Technology Settings:
� Initial CPR � User defined time for CPR after first analysis regardless of analysis decision.
Can be set to OFF, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 and 180 seconds.
� Pre-shock CPR � Allows for CPR while device is charging. Can be set to OFF, 15,
or 30 seconds.
� Stacked Shocks � (ON/OFF) When Off, allows for provision of CPR after each shock.
� Pulse Check � (Always, After Every NSA, After Second NSA, Never) Allows device to
prompt for a pulse check either after each shock, after every NSA pulse check, or never
prompt for a pulse check (default Never).